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Metro Launches First Youth Council in Los Angeles

LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) launched its first Youth Council and 14 - 17 y/o LA residents can now apply until November 18, 2021.

Metro's goal is to create an opportunity for young people to engage with and participate in the agency's plans, projects, programs and initiatives.

Metro's Youth Council will provide a space for young LA residents to express their concerns and hopes; learn about issues Metro may face and raise awareness among future life-long riders. This is a unique opportunity for young leaders to share their voices when it comes to important transportation decision-making, which could affect LA's infrastructure.

In a recent conversation with Metro's team, Brand LA learned about the agency's many programs to mitigate mobility challenges in our region, which aim to create a sustainable platform to support LA's underserved communities and low-income households.

Brand LA, which has programs to support at-risk youths in the region, is poised to support Metro's Youth Council by facilitating communications with community organizations to inspire prospective members in our region to get involved.

Metro is hosting numerous virtual informational sessions for youth to learn more about Metro Youth Council. For more information about eligibility and to apply, please click here.

Brand LA's Newsroom

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